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[CQ-Contest] Commonwealth Contest: March 8-9, 2025

To: CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Commonwealth Contest: March 8-9, 2025
From: "Bart Ritchie (VE5CPU)" <ve5cpu@sasktel.net>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 16:30:39 -0600
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

Commonwealth Contest: March 8-9, 2025

Once known as the "BERU," the Commonwealth Contest involves Amateurs in the 56 member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations and their associated territories only. This annual event is scheduled for 1000z Saturday, March 8 to 0959z Sunday March 9.

This 24-hour CW-only contest takes place on the five HF contest bands (80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres).

This contest has been around since 1931, and this year there are a few big changes: * The contest is now a partnership of the International Amateur Radio Union's (IARU) member societies for Canada (Radio Amateurs of Canada RAC)), Australia (Wireless Institute of Australia WIA), India (Ammateur Radio Society of India ARSI), New Zealand (New Zealand AAssociation of Radio Transmitters NZART) and the United Kingdom ((Radio Society of Great Britain RSGB) * Entry categories have been adjusted to be more similar to other major contests
   * Intercontinental QSOs are now worth twice as many points
"HQ" stations have a special status in this contest, and for the first time, the station at RAC HQ will be active: VE3RHQ will be operated by Mike Kelly, VE3FFK. Other RAC suffix call signs will be activated across the Canadian provinces and territories.

There will also be HQ stations from many parts of the Commonwealth, with several in each of the United Kingdom and Australia.

We invite all those in the Commonwealth to be part of the first Commonwealth Contest jointly managed by RAC, WIA, ARSI, NZART and the RSGB.

For more information on the CC, please go to <https://rac.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1cc2ce962688ad6bb6db0d414&id=35cf6b7e10&e=b4ff722c27>rac.ca/commonwealth or you can find the rules at <https://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2025/rcwc.shtml>rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2025/rcwc.shtml

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