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Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP CW - DXCC Prefix for NA Countries Question

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP CW - DXCC Prefix for NA Countries Question
From: Mike Bettencourt <mike.w1nv@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 17:57:03 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Received clarifying responses from a few folks. Thank you.  P.S. - That was a 
typo by me regarding 4U_ITU. I meant 4U_UN. My mistake. 

> On Jan 2, 2025, at 12:40 PM, Mike Bettencourt <mike.w1nv@gmail.com> wrote:
> I apologize in advance for the noob contest question. I’m sure this is easily 
> answerable for most of you in the know, but I wasn’t able to easily locate 
> any clarifying information elsewhere.  I’m hoping to mess around a little in 
> the upcoming January NAQP CW contest. Upon reviewing the rules and the sample 
> log the NCJ site provides, it left me with a remaining question on some of 
> the correct NA DXXC entity abbreviation/prefixes to be used for the contest. 
> Thanks in advance!
> The rules state:  "For other North American entities please use the standard 
> DXCC prefix for the country in the received location field in your log. See 
> multiplier list included with sample paper logs."  However, upon reviewing 
> the NCJ's multiplier list, https://ncjweb.com/NAQP-Paper-Log-Form.pdf, I 
> noticed a few interesting prefixes. My understanding is that the NCJ is 
> instructing or recommending the participants use their provided prefix list. 
> However, the NCJ's supplied list (sample log) seems to somewhat conflict with 
> the ARRL's current/updated DXCC prefix list found here:  
> https://www.arrl.org/files/file/DXCC/2022_DXCC_Current.pdf. The NCJ appears 
> to infer that the lists are the same, and even tells you to use the “standard 
> DXCC prefix for the country” but there are some slight differences between 
> the two lists on just a few entities. I must be missing something. 
> For example:
> UN HQ - The NCJ's DXCC prefix list shows "4U1/u" whereas the ARRL list 
> denotes "4U_ITU".  I know their call sign is 4U1UN, or it's at least one of 
> theirs, as I've worked them a number of times. 
> CUBA - The NCJ's DXCC prefix list just shows "CM" whereas the ARRL list 
> denotes both "CM" and "CO."  
> MEXICO - It appears as if the NCJ list is instructing contesters to use "XE" 
> for all Mexican states (except to use XF4 for Revillagigedo).  However, the 
> ARRL list denotes "XA" through "XI" for DXCC entity prefixes and even "XA4" 
> through "XI4" for Revillagigedo.  And no, I don't plan on making contact with 
> Revillagigedo during the contest (#25 DSCC most wanted), I'm just using it as 
> an example. I'm going to assume I just use "XE" for all Mexican states but 
> the different listings made me do a double take.  
> I think the above bulleted list pretty much covers the conflicting prefixes, 
> at least for me. The rest of them seem to have been a general match between 
> the two lists. 
> Can anyone clarify the above? Better yet, does anyone have a definitive, 
> current and accurate prefix list other than the sample NCJ sample log that 
> provides a little more clarity? Or, should I just use what the NCJ provided, 
> knowing that will likely pass muster, and ignore everything else, which is 
> what is simplest and what I'm leaning towards. I just wasn’t’ sure if some of 
> the Q’s would get stricken if the country prefix is not exactly what the log 
> verifiers are expecting. I don’t expect to really have many conflicts, if at 
> all. I’m just interested in knowing the correct entry information. 
> Thanks in advance! - Mike, W1NV

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