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Re: [CQ-Contest] WW Digi Contest Kicks off WW Season on Saturday [#Conte

To: W0YK Ed Muns <ed@w0yk.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WW Digi Contest Kicks off WW Season on Saturday [#Contest]
From: Bernie McClenny via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Bernie McClenny <bernie@dailydx.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 08:34:04 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Speaking of the CQ WW DX Contests if anyone is doing a Contest DXpedition for 
the upcoming season please send me details for The Daily DX and The Weekly DX.

Thank you

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Glenwood, MD (FM19lg)

Editor of: 
The Daily DX (1997-2024)
The Weekly DX (2001-2024)
How's DX? (1998-2024)

1-410-489-6518 (cell and WhatsApp)

> On Aug 22, 2024, at 6:26 PM, ed@w0yk.com wrote:
> That’s right!  The last full weekend of these next 4 months will have one 
> mode of the venerable WW contest series:
>              24-25 Aug           WW Digi
>              28-29 Sep           WW RTTY
>              26-27 Oct           WW SSB
>              23-24 Nov          WW CW
> Rules: https://ww-digi.com/rules/
> Rules FAQs: https://ww-digi.com/rules/rules_faq.htm
> Log Upload: https://ww-digi.com/logcheck/
> Practices: FT4 NS tonight (see earlier post from W1UE)
>                  WW Digi practice 0200 UTC Saturday (Friday night NA time)
> Photos & Stories: Please forward photos and stories to us for the results 
> webpage.
> 73,
> WW Digi Committee: Iztok S52D, Don AA5AU, Ed W0YK
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