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[CQ-Contest] N2NC New Director of CQ WW VHF Contest

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] N2NC New Director of CQ WW VHF Contest
From: "Tim Duffy" <k3lr@k3lr.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:58:24 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
N2NC New Director of CQ WW VHF Contest

(Cleveland, OH) - June 11, 2024 - The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation
(WWROF) is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, John Golomb,
N2NC, will be assuming the Director role for the CQ WW VHF Contest
www.cqww-vhf.com . A ham since 1980, Golomb has been an active contester
throughout, being widely respected for both his technical contributions and
operating skills. Over the years, John has produced an impressive list of
world-class contest results, participating at a high level in both HF and
VHF/UHF competitions. In particular, Golomb has participated in the CQ WW
VHF contest for seven straight years, amassing nearly 2500 QSOs along the
way. John's VHF experience includes building stations for his own use as
well as via several technical partnerships, with operational capabilities
ranging from 6 meters to 23 centimeters and beyond.

Professionally, John recently retired from a career with the U.S. Naval Air
Systems Command, where he led a team responsible for the power systems of
electromagnetic aircraft launch equipment.

"John possesses a unique combination of technical and operating skills at
the highest level of radiosport. He has also demonstrated tremendous
leadership capabilities that, in total, make him the perfect leader for the
CQ WW VHF contest," said WWROF Chairman, Tim Duffy, K3LR.

"I look forward to leading this world class event into the future alongside
WWROF and am honored to be asked to be the contest director," noted Golomb.
"My sincere thanks to John, K9JK, for his past service to the CQ WW VHF
contest and its participants."


The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is a non-profit, donor-supported
organization dedicated to improving the skills of amateur radio operators
around the world, utilizing education, competition, advancement of
technology and scientific research, promoting international friendship and
goodwill, and preparing them to better serve society in times of
communications need. In addition, WWROF provides major assistance, including
the infrastructure for log submissions, log checking, reporting, and other
support services for many popular radio contests. For more information, log
on to: https://wwrof.org/.


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