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[CQ-Contest] ARRL Network Outage

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL Network Outage
From: jpescatore--- via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: "jpescatore@aol.com" <jpescatore@aol.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 10:33:51 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Barry W2UP asked: >> For the last 3-4 days, I've been trying to access 
contests.arrl.org and I
get "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable."  Anybody know what's up?
See below, some things are back contest results and LotW seem to still be down. 
Also see Logbook of the World73 John K3TN
Updated 5/17/2024

Some members have asked whether their personal information has been compromised 
in some way. ARRL does not store credit card information anywhere on our 
systems, and we do not collect social security numbers. Our member database 
only contains publicly available information like name, address, and call sign 
along with ARRL specific data like email preferences and membership dates.

Original story below:

We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to 
our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook 
of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected. Please know that 
restoring access is our highest priority, and we are expeditiously working with 
outside industry experts to address the issue. We appreciate your patience.

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