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Re: [CQ-Contest] Dead horse #99

To: Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Dead horse #99
From: John Dorr <cqk1ar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:16:32 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Art,

Thanks for raising this issue. The CQ WW rules are pretty clear about this

* Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest, by use
of any database, recordings, email or other methods, is not allowed.*

While I personally don't make changes from notes created DURING the
contest, I don't believe the rule suggests that specific practice as being
illegal. In sharp contrast, log cleansing against databases or recordings
after the contest is very unsportsmanlike and clearly against the rules.
Oddly, it seems easier to me to fix the problem while operating vs. taking
the time to create a note. Maybe I'm missing something with that assumption?

In the end, however, my advice is to simply submit your log right after the
contest. It takes about 30 seconds for most people. It's extremely rare
that fixing a couple typo errors is going to make a meaningful difference
in your result or final standing. Questions about why you're taking "all
week" to submit is another matter and a contributor to one's negative
reputation. The choice is obvious in my mind.

73, John, K1AR

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 2:40 PM Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com> wrote:

> I saw somewhere a discussion about how to rescore a log when fixing a typo
> error that was noticed AFTER the contest.
> I have always felt that errors you noted DURING the contest (computer notes
> in the log, or paper notes on the side, or, to be most lenient, even mental
> notes) may be fixed after the contest; the notes are part of your record.
> Otherwise, a typing error is no different from any other copying error.  We
> are supposed to transcribe the incoming data (the audio, in my case -- CW
> and SSB only) into the accepted form of READABLE information.  If the other
> op sent a "2", and my log has a "3", it does not matter whether I heard it
> wrong or I typed it wrong -- it's incorrect.
> When I finish a contest, I generate the Cabrillo log and send it in.
> Later, I look at the LCR/UBN to see what mistakes I made.  (I'm still
> trying to figure out how I lost one SS Nebraska QSO by logging KV01 instead
> of KV0I)
> (A free story:  In one SS CW several years ago, I lost a QSO -- and maybe a
> mult -- because I logged NR 61 instead of 149 (or something like that).
> Weird.  I remembered asking him several times for a repeat: "NR?  NR?"
> About three years later, looking at some other SS data, I saw that the
> guy's CHECK was 61.  He kept sending me his CK instead of his NR, and I
> logged what he sent.)
> So, is there a real consensus, or real advice from a Sponsor, or a real
> rule that says it's OK to correct "obvious" typographical errors AFTER the
> contest?
> 73, Art K3KU
> (Who always has to review his typing for errors before clicking SEND)
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