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[3830] Proposed EOL for 3830@contesting.com

To: 3830@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] Proposed EOL for 3830@contesting.com
From: Dave Pascoe via 3830 <3830@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Dave Pascoe <km3t@km3t.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 06:25:59 -0500
List-post: <mailto:3830@contesting.com>
Good morning.

The 3830 Mailing List has been around since at least 1996. My recollection is that we had it going prior to that but the current archives have been around since January 1996. Over the years it has been a useful resource for the contesting community.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to deliver email to certain (major) email providers, despite using every required email sending best practice. We have subscribers marking email as spam (damaging server IP reputation), subscribers who have changed email address and never unsubscribed from the list, and many other administrative hassles.

Despite the admin hassles, Bruce Horn WA7BNM's 3830score.com site has been wildly successful, and is really the focal point for gathering contest scores after contests. It is difficult to imagine that anyone would prefer getting an email for every single score that's reported. It's not a very efficient use of email.

So unless I hear (really) loud screams before December 31, 2023, I intend to decommission this list on that date. You can contact me at km3t at km3t.org if you have any comments. The historical web archives of the 3830 list will continue to be available.

Dave KM3T

3830 mailing list

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