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[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party Saturday August 28 from noon till midnight

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party Saturday August 28 from noon till midnight
From: "Dan" <w8car@buckeye-express.com>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2021 13:46:14 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hope you can join us on Saturday August 28 from noon EDT till midnight for the 
Ohio QSO Party.

If you are IN Ohio plan on operating one of the many classes available.
If you are NOT in Ohio check out the link below for planned operations. More 
being added daily.

Shameless plug: Ron K8NZ and W8CAR (me) will be operating as K8O/mobile in 
about 25 counties. I am putting some final touches on some route changes and 
will post them ASAP

This is a great way to check your propagation to Ohio at the beginning of the 
contest season.

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