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Re: [CQ-Contest] Do you have A/C in your shack?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Do you have A/C in your shack?
From: Steve Bookout <steve@nr4m.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 15:40:36 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Mike,

Things in central Virginia can get really nasty during the summer.

Right now it's in the 90's and it mostly has been for the last couple of weeks.  Also, the humidity is way high and is a real killer.
When I built the garage/shack, I built it with the necessities of 
southern living.  The shack is 20 feet by 40 feet and has 9 stations, 
each with an amp capable amp, so I have a one ton or 12,000 BTU/h or 3.5 
kW heat pump.
Depending upon weather, time of year and length of contest, it can still 
get a bit warm in here.
About 10 years ago, just before a WPX CW contest in late May, when it 
was unseasonably HOT (90'S), the heat pump failed.   It was in the high 
80's inside the shack with the windows open.   The adjacent part of the 
building's A/C was helping to cool the shack, but wasn't enough.   After 
that experience, I purchased and installed 2 x 25,000 BTU window units, 
just in case I ever needed them in the future.  With everything cooling, 
I think I could hang meat in here to age.
So, I have tried it, with and without, the A/C.  I prefer the A/C.

73 de Steve, NR4M

On 7/27/2021 10:22 AM, ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca wrote:
Keep in mind when reading the following, I am from the Maritimes and have lived
all my life in VO2, VO1, VE1 and VE9....so I don't do the high temps well ;-)

During the recent IARU contest I think this was the first time I  *ever*  really
stopped operating due to heat/humidity.  I laid my head down "for a few minutes"
and woke up 5.5hrs later. Oof !

My el-cheapo thermometer on the desk next to my keyboard said it was 31.5*C
(88.8*F)...I don't recall what the humidity was in the house,(probably a bit
lower than outside)  but outside was up to 94% at 11pm according to Environment

I QRT'd not long after midnight, shattered from the "heat".

So....has anyone installed A/C in their shack? How did you like it? Run it every
contest? Only in the summer?

Y'day I bought a teeny-tiny window A/C unit ~5000btu (on sale at that) and will
hopefully once installed, will try it out next contest,  assuming no QRM/RFI.
Living way out in the country. I like a quiet RX.

I think in my mid-late 50's, I am finally getting soft.

In the winter, I just turn my shack heat off and sometimes even open a window.
In the summer, I often operate LP or QRP....
In the IARU, with HP SO2R it was pretty warm and my shack is very very small.

What has been your experience with heat/humidity while operating? (doesn't have
to have been in YOUR shack)

Tnx !

Mike VE9AA

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