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[CQ-Contest] A Little Pistol Story

To: CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] A Little Pistol Story
From: Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2021 14:21:37 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I've posted my NAQP SSB score to 3830score.com.  359x82, compared to NAQP
CW 500x106. No news there -- being weak on 'phone is a much bigger
disadvantage on 'phone than on CW.  I worked hard for those 359 QSOs (6:20
hours, all after nightfall).

Seeing some of the big scores from fellow PVRCers (notably, K4ZW and NC4KW)
reminds me of another story.

Back during my career I had a colleague who was a good amateur athlete.  He
had played college baseball at Villanova, and he was a very-low-handicap
golfer.  One time he went to watch the pro's play when the PGA had an event
in town.  HE came back and said,

"If what those what guys are playing is golf, then what I play is a
different game."

That's how I feel.  Nothing but admiration for the op's who are in a
different league (planet? universe?).

But I think I had more fun. :>)

73, Art K3KU
Tune for Maximum Fun
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