Hi guys,
Mike (and others), sorry for my bad English but I don't understand your
The new rules DO NOT says that you must be assisted but ONLY that the
categories are mixed.
So, when we know that to win a WPX, you must RUN, RUN and RUN again, and than
the top scores were from un-assisted stations (most of the time), you still
have the possibility to stay unassisted with a SO2R setup while entering SO
category during 36 hours and, normally you will have more chance to win than an
assisted operator ;-)
For those who like to enter the Classic category, you can take part 36 hours
(but only the first 24 hours will count for the score) !
73 de Dimitri F4DSK
Le 17 nov. 2020 à 19:28, à 19:28, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca> a écrit:
>Bud & Everyone—de Mike VE9AA
>I’ve only submitted logs for ‘WPX since 1997-before that I couldn’t be
>bothered with fumbling with paper or mailing floppy disks.
>All my efforts in ‘WPX for the past 23 years though have been
>(with the exception of a 2012 10M-only effort, where I presume I was
>to hunt 10M DXCC countries when we still had a few sunspots popping up
>(remember those?).
>The majority of my efforts are seemingly split between a 15-17hour
>and then a lot of them are in the 29-36hr range…>.presumably based on
>how I
>was feeling or how it was going, other responsibilities etc.
>That being said, it’s a sad day when perceived (or real) cheaters now
>get to
>dictate that to be competitive I *HAVE* to operate assisted or curtail
>efforts at an arbitrary 24hr cutoff <and be deprived of SO2R if I
>choose to
>use it>.( I am about a 50%er SO2R guy)
>I would hazard that about ½ of us like to do UNassisted,. so why should
>be made to pay for the ones who cheat (or like to do assisted efforts)?
>Makes no sense to me. Hal W1NN brings up some good points. (I’ve
>copied his
>comments below my signature line.)
>With respect
>Mike VE9AA
>CU (all of a sudden) in the next one.
>Keswick Ridge, NB
>de W1NN
>Hal Offutt <hal@japancorporateresearch.com
><mailto:hal%40japancorporateresearch.com> >
>Every time this subject comes up here, the overwhelming response is:
>the Unassisted category alone.
>Why hasn't this message been received?
>Why must we wake up to discover that unidentified persons have suddenly
>changed the rules we have followed for years without the slightest
>effort to
>check with participants? That's not the way things are supposed to
>work in
>today's world. Ever heard of stakeholders?
>This contest belongs to all of us, not just to the current managers and
>whoever else happens to be on the inside now. Yes, some of you put in
>countless hours to manage this event and produce the results and we are
>appreciative. But this should not give you license to change important
>rules willy-nilly. We participants - and especially those of us who
>been regular full-time operators - make this contest what it is and our
>opinions ought to matter.
>The results of the WPX contest indicate a very clear preference for
>unassisted operating among single op entrants. In both the SSB and CW
>weekends, a substantial majority of logs submitted by single ops have
>in the Unassisted category every single year for the past 10 years.
>the past five years, 54-57% of CW single ops were unassisted, while for
>the numbers were 62-63%. Among US ops, the preference for Unassisted
>Assisted is even stronger. There is absolutely no mandate or
>for making this change.
>The points made by EI1DI (below) are spot on. They are worth reading
>Please reconsider this incomprehensible decision.
>73, Hal W1NN
>CQ-Contest mailing list
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