Hi Stan,
I think the issue is if you don't make specific WSJT-X contest logs, all the
stations you've worked before will show up as dupes to you and then you won't
call them.
The problem isn't that a running station will get dupe calls, but few calls at
A nice enhancement to WSJT-X would be an easier way to set up for contest
Ken, AB1J
-----Original Message-----
From: Stanley Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan@gmail.com>
To: rayday@cox.net
Cc: CQ-Contest@contesting.com
Sent: Fri, Jun 12, 2020 3:54 pm
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT8/FT4 duplicates in FD?
Why are you worried about dupes? They don’t cost anything in scorekeeping.
If someone calls you, it’s usually because you are not in their log. Maybe it
was a busted call. It takes longer for you to inform them that you think it is
a dupe and have them tell you that you are not in their log. Just log them and
move on. It’s faster.
If your logger blocks dupes, turn on “allow dupes.” If you are doing S&P and do
want to work dupes, you’ll still get the warning.
Stan, K4SBZ
"Real radio bounces off the sky."
> On Jun 11, 2020, at 6:37 PM, rayday@cox.net wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ray N6HE here.
> I've figured out to avoid same-band duplicates in the upcoming FD using
> WSJT-X, but I wonder how many others will do the same?
> Unless you start a new WSJT-X log (which fixes this), stations worked in the
> past will show up as worked before, as well.
> With many FD stations worked already and in your "contest log" (and
> therefore in your WSJT-X log, as well), nobody will know who's a dupe. I'm
> guessing there will be a lot of duplicates worked (and folks taking credit
> for the Q) with the operator none the wiser. Few will use a regular FD
> logging program real-time and enter data twice to see if they're a dupe.
> Your thoughts?
> 73
> Ray N6HE
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