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[CQ-Contest] Georgia QSO Party This Weekend

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Georgia QSO Party This Weekend
From: Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 12:38:23 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Just a friendly reminder that the 60th annual *Georgia QSO Party *will be still taking place this *Saturday from 1600z -0400z (Sunday)*. Note we have shortened the QSO Party to *one day *this year due to the COVID-19 virus. If you work anyone after 0400z on Sunday they haven't read the rules and those QSO's won't count. We've done our best to communicate this change to everyone and hopefully everyone has got the word.
We are as disappointed as you are that we can't have any rover stations 
for you to chase around this year due to travel restrictions in Georgia. 
We've come up with an alternative to keep you engaged. There will be two 
*bonus* stations, *W4AN* and *W4NT*, the club calls of the two 
sponsoring clubs (SECC and SEDXC). 100 points will be added to your 
final score for *each non-duplicate QSO* with those two calls. It's 
important to copy the county sent correctly since these operations will 
be taking place at multiple locations in Georgia IARU HQ Station style. 
Our plan is to have CW/SSB covered from 160 to 20 meters. We aren't 
bothering with 15/10 meters since those bands are mostly dead.  That 
means there will be 16 opportunities to work bonus stations and add 1600 
points to your final score. These bonus points will be added after the 
QSO Points x Multipliers are calculated. The bonus stations will all 
have good antennas and an amplifier so everyone should be able to hear 
We also have some stations in Georgia using their club call in addition 
to their home callsigns to give you more QSO's.
Hope to see you on Saturday.

Thanks, Jeff KU8E

Georgia QSO Party Director

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