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[CQ-Contest] 2019 Louisiana QSO Party Results posted

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2019 Louisiana QSO Party Results posted
From: w5wz@w5wz.com
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2019 11:04:27 -0600
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
The 2019 Louisiana QSO Party Results have been posted.


Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all the participants! Stay tuned to this reflector, QST Magazine, the WA7BNM Contest Calendar, and the LAQP.ORG website for news and announcements concerning the 2020 edition of the LAQP.

--Scott, W5WZ
CQ-Contest mailing list

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