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[CQ-Contest] TENNESSEE QSO PARTY 2019 Logs Are Due Tomorrow October 2

To: "'cq-contest@contesting.com'" <CQ-Contest@contesting.com>, <nccc-blue@kkn.net>, <cwops@groups.io>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] TENNESSEE QSO PARTY 2019 Logs Are Due Tomorrow October 2
From: "Ted Bryant W4NZ" <w4nz@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 10:07:29 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Don't forget to send in your log.  Just email the Cabrillo file
(yourcall.log) to: logs@tnqp.org
You never know, there may be a certificate or nice custom made plaque just
waiting for your name and call.

73 and thanks for joining us in the party,

Ted W4NZ (/m)

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