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Re: [CQ-Contest] FT4 *is* a contesting mode.

To: "reflector cq-contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT4 *is* a contesting mode.
From: "Dave Hachadorian" <k6ll.dave@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Dave Hachadorian <k6ll.dave@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2019 07:59:52 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I suggest that discussions like this be moved over to the rttydigital reflector https://groups.io/g/rttydigital
In November of 2018, folks on the rtty Reflector got tired of seeing 
postings about FT8 and FT4.  The rttydigital Reflector was formed at that 
time for discussions of ALL digital modes.  There are a lot of contesters on 
that reflector.
Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

-----Original Message----- From: OZ1BII Henning
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2019 5:59 AM
To: Mats Strandberg
Cc: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] FT4 *is* a contesting mode.

An idea came to my mind yesterday; What about making a new mail-group
called  "FT8/4/? competiton".
Then this Contest mail-group will concentrate on HF Contesting using radio
and human beings.

Just a dream - or could it be real ?

Vy 73 de OZ2I  Henning

Den tor. 6. jun. 2019 kl. 13.11 skrev Mats Strandberg <sm6lrr@gmail.com>:

I think the time has come for me to make the unfortunate but necessary
decision I have long been thinking on.

This group has been hijacked by people who think FT(x) is part of true

It might be “part of someone’s contesting world”, but definitely not mine!

Therefore, this group and discussion has diverted into an animal that is
diametric to the one I joined many years ago.

I love contesting where operator skills is the fundament. The FT(x) virus
has contaminated this group - and I do not find any value at all to follow
this group anymore. Subjects are not relevant at all, to me at least.

Thanks for the time here and see you in REAL contests onwards...

73 de Mats RM2D (SM6LRR)

On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 at 16:29, DXer <hfdxmonitor@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Barry,
> “Why bother with RF?  Just move it to the internet.  You can't hear
> it, anyway.”
> Because RF is what makes it Radio, not the data processing part.
> Those not interested in the RF part have already migrated to Hamsphere.
> sure if they have 'contests' though. :^)
> 73 de Vince, VA3VF
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