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[CQ-Contest] SAC Scandinavian Activity Contest Is Soon

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SAC Scandinavian Activity Contest Is Soon
From: Tomi Ylinen <tomi.ylinen@luukku.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2018 15:43:14 +0300 (EEST)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Just over a week or so, you are warmly welcomed to participate SAC CW and SSB 
some weeks later:

* CW: 15-16 September, 12 UTC - 12 UTC
* SSB: 13-14 October, 12 UTC - 12 UTC

Check SACTEST.NET - all info in one place!

Each part of the "Polar Battle" gathers 1000+ contesters from all around the 
world, to make QSO's with the Scandinavians.

We follow the IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan:
CW : 3510-3560, 7000-7040, 14000-14060, 21000-21070, 28000-28070 kHz
SSB: 3600-3650, 3700-3800, 7060-7100, 7130-7200, 14125-14300, 21151-21450, 
28320-29000 kHz.

The log submission deadline is 5 days after the contest ends.

In addition to the regular SAC plaques, the SAC Sponsored Plaque program now 
contains more than 30 different plaques. A big THANK YOU to all generous 
sponsors! (You can be sponsor too!)

Please announce your SAC plans on our Activity page! You will inspire others to 
take part in SAC!

* Rules:http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules

* Results booklet from SAC

* Sponsored plaques (geographical, special skills,
etc.) http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/sac-sponsored-plaque-program/

* Learn about propagation to Scandinavia: 

* Announce your activity and challenge your
friends: http://www.sactest.net/blog/announce_form

73 & CU!
SAC Contest Committee (sent by Tomi OH6EI)

Web: http://www.sactest.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ScandinavianActivityContest
E-mail: support at sactest.net
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