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Re: [CQ-Contest] WAEDC Rules error?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WAEDC Rules error?
From: Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc@gmail.com>
Reply-to: ua9cdc@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2018 16:02:50 +0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hello Axel,

Still it was a lot easier and simpler when all of RA9 where counted for Asia.
On the other note I want to take a chance and thank you very much for 
excellent WRTC in Germany. It was really really well done!
Congratulations and thanks.

73, Igor UA9CDC

11.08.2018 16:39, Axel Schernikau пишет:
Hello Igor,

Europeans can work only non-Europeans (and vise versa) so UA9F is not exceptable for EU in WAE. But RA8T and UA9T would give two multipliers in WAE even if they are in the same area. The same as with the 3 CAs in Dave's example.

Axel, DL6KVA

Am 11.08.2018 um 01:49 schrieb Igor Sokolov:
This rule is a bit strange indeed. Some of the RA8/RA9 now are in Europe and some are in Asia.
It seems that this rule implies that those European RA9 can be worked 
for mult but not for points.
73, Igor UA9CDC

11.08.2018 2:48, David Siddall пишет:

My understanding is that the key phrase in the WAEDC rules is *"**without respect to their geographical location."  *The multiplier DXCC exceptions for European entrants are based on prefixes, not geographic location. So yes, VY1 would be the same mult as VE1, just as W1VE in Vermont is the same
multiplier as W1RH in California.  VY2 would be the same as VE2.

And, W0YK, K9YC, and K6XX, all in California, are three different
mults (for Europeans) -- unless the non-6's sign /6, in which case they
become the "6" mult.

Every contest is different!

73, Dave K3ZJ

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 2:41 PM, Gerry Hull <gerry@yccc.org> wrote:

  My European friends,
6 Multiplier

For non-European stations the multiplier is the number of countries defined
in the WAE Country List (see below) worked per band.

For European stations every non-European DXCC entity counts as a

*Exception*: In the following countries up to ten numerical call areas
count as multipliers:
W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/RA9 and RAØ – without respect to their
geographical location.

Examples: W1, K1, KA1 and K3../1 count as W1;
VE1, VO1 und VY1 count as VE1;
JR4, 7M4 und 7K4 count as JA4;
ZL2 and ZL6 are two different multipliers.

*Multiplier bonus:* Country multiplier points are "weighted" by band.
Multiply the number of countries worked on 3.5 MHz by four, on 7 MHz by three, and on 14/21/28 MHz by two. The total multiplier is the sum of the
weighted multiplier points of all bands.

VE4EA, VE4JBB and I were/are going to put forth an effort from VY1AAA -- in

Surely VY1 does not count as VE1 -- this is a typo and should be VY2 (PEI)
should count as VE1??

73, Gerry VE1RM/W1VE

Trustee, VY1AAA
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