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Re: [CQ-Contest] NCJ Article RE: Sweepstakes Change Suggestions

To: "Jeff Clarke" <ku8e@ku8e.com>, "CQ Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NCJ Article RE: Sweepstakes Change Suggestions
From: steve.root@culligan4water.com
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:09:23 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
" b) For MN,KS,NE,CO, northern WI, Dakotas - 20 meters during the day 
and 40 meters at night. Maybe 15 meters if the band is open."

Remove "MN" from that statement and it may be true. Everyone else on that list 
is either south and/or west of us and has significantly better propagation that 
we ever see. If you ever sat here and listened to the guys in the Dakotas on 20 
meters running east coast stations we can't hear, or how you can call CQ on 40 
meters after 0100Z until your arm falls off without an answer, then you'd know 
what I mean.

For the record, I don't really see any "tweaks" to CW SS that would improve the 
over all activity levels. This Reflector has had many posts over the years 
commenting on the checks recorded during the contest, and the realitve lack of 
young blood. It's finally catching up to us. 

73 Steve K0SR

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