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Re: [CQ-Contest] "Packet ruined ham radio" (version N+1)

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] "Packet ruined ham radio" (version N+1)
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 10:08:25 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Wow Paper Dupe Sheets! UG!

Now it amazes me that I could get over 1K contacts in a 24 hr test using them things!
But I did learn how to send with my right hand on the paddles, while at 
the same time filling out the paperwork log and dupe sheets with the 
left hand.
( I'm right handed)

Amazing the log checkers could read any of it.

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 3/7/2017 8:07 AM, Steve Lott wrote:

You are welcome to go back to the AM days
and forget the modern Upper side USB or Lower Side LSB tools as well

Packet cluster, modern logging tools etc etc are just that,  Tools
if we know their limitations and embrace use of our brains with the tools
it is fun

If someone just uses the super check partial files to fill the missing
suffix of a call
they are often going to get a NIL

Good OPS are still Good OPS and even better ones if they use modern tools
*and* their Brains

if you desire to go back to the days of paper logs and even worse paper
dupe sheets then you do that
I for one am very happy we have turned that page !

and yes this is a very dead horse !!!


My Ham Radio Friends

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Art Boyars <artboyars@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm sure all you modern op's are tired of hearing me beat this dead horse
(see note below sig), but...

KK9A laments (with justification):

"[N1MM logging program not showing WP2AA as US VI] is a terrible error as
it caused a lot of confusion all weekend long and it probably caused me to
lose many QSOs."

Well, if the operators actually had to KNOW something (like what prefix
means what entity) we would not have this problem.

You don't have to know what country it is -- the logger tells you that.

You don't have to know where to point the antenna (I should have such a
problem!) -- the logger tells you that.

You don't have to guess the missing letters in a responder's call sign --
the logger does that.

You don't have to look for new CQers -- the logger tells you that, AND it
points out if it's a mult and tells you where to point the beam.

You just click and work.

All the years of experience that you used to need to improve your
contesting performance are now not needed.  It's so much different from
when I got started.  I know I'm a minority, but I liked it better the old
way.  More skill (well, different skills), more learning, and more

I'm glad most of you think it's more fun now.

73, Art K3KU

Note: How do you "hear" some one beat a dead horse?  Ask Tim Leary.  Some
of us lived through that era and do remember it.
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