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Re: [CQ-Contest] Multi 2 locking device, TriPlexers and BPF

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Multi 2 locking device, TriPlexers and BPF
From: "Jozef Urban, OM7ZZ" <om7zz@stonline.sk>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 09:49:46 +0100
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Good note John.
It depends on topology and purpose of use. If dual switch is used in lab or in the in-band setups (both radios operate on the same band), every dB matters. However, when switch is used in real world SO2R setups, where each radio operates on different band and RF topology uses classic order: TRX - BPF - PA - SWITCH - ANT, isolation between antennas sets the bar, what is in general much worse than isolation between radio ports on almost any available dual switch, even with resonant antennas located several wl apart. Switch is probably the last thing to blame for possible interferences.
** K9YC
You are spreading false and misleading information again! Intentionally?
Typical values of SWR and insertion loss are typical values, considering variations in manufacturing process and parts. These variations are low and typical values serve to make a picture what to expect from the switch. Isolations have no typical values, isolation between radio ports depends on frequency AND on to which antenna port is each radio port connected to. This applies to every dual switch from every manufacturer. Therefore we state isolation between ports as a range from worst to best values, separately for various frequencies. There is nothing 6-10dB worse than claimed values.
Jozef OM7ZZ

The 4O3A units have impressive specs but I wondering how important the extra
20+dB is. I have never observed an isolation issue with my Array Solutions

John KK9A

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Multi 2 locking device, TriPlexers and BPF
From: Jim Brown <k9yc@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Reply-to: k9yc@arrl.net
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 14:28:45 -0800

On Tue,1/10/2017 8:23 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
Is there an "easy" way to improve the port Isolation in the WX0B six pack?

The only way I know of is replacement. I had one here, replaced it with
4O3A's 6x2, which was about 20 dB better (measuring both units on the
bench). Not long after that, 4O3A introduced the new 8x2, and I replaced the 6X2 with it. The 8x2 is more than 20 dB better than the 6x2, making it 45 dB
better than the WX0B unit. Isolation is 100 dB, +/- 3-4 dB, depending on
which band and which output.

Several years ago, I tried to get specs on the Microham unit. What I got,
eventually, was rather hard to read plots that showed that the BEST case
isolation of the 6x2 was quoted in the data sheet as "typical", and that
other ports were significantly worse (6-10 dB). I asked for a unit to
measure (to give them the benefit of the doubt), but W4TV insisted that I
buy one.

Bottom line -- the 4O3A 8x2 is the best I know of. It's very well built, the
control interface is close to being universal, and the guys in CO who
distribute it are great to deal with.

I've NOT given any attention to weatherproofing, because my switching is all done in the shack. My bandswitching is being done by the band decoders in my
5B4AGN TXBPF filter sets.

73, Jim K9YC
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