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Re: [CQ-Contest] Call sign history - Heritage...

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Call sign history - Heritage...
From: Eric NO3M <no3m@no3m.net>
Reply-to: no3m@no3m.net
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 02:13:46 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

There are also many callbooks found with this search:


dating back as far as 1914 and up to the 90s.

I used those online callbooks to research the history of a recently acquired club call, W8CDX. It was first issued as 8CDX sometime between June 1921 and June 1922 to a station in Pittsburgh, PA, and re-assigned to another individual between 1924-25 in Uniontown, PA, who had it changed to W8CDX by 1928. The call lapsed but was re-assigned in 1930, held by that individual until 1946. Where it gets interesting is WN8CDX was issued 1955, but lapsed with no record in '57 or '58, however, the same individual apparently upgraded and got W8CDX in '59 and held the call until 1998 (SK). I thought Novice calls at the time had to be upgraded within a year, or the call was "lost". There was also another individual assigned WN8CDX in 1962, later upgraded and assigned WA8CDX.
It's also interesting to pull up the callbooks from the 20s and see who 
was active in your local area in those early days when "CW" sets were 
replacing spark.  One station (8WY) that was only a few miles from my 
QTH can be seen in several photos online:

The "20W" transmitter appears to be a self-excited outfit with four parallel UV202s. I don't see a fifth tube for an oscillator (ie. MOPA). I've always had a notion to replicate that rig, but UV202s (or Cunningham 302s) are hard to come by.
The history of our hobby is quite awesome....

73 Eric NO3M (W8CDX trustee)

On 01/08/2017 05:09 PM, Joe wrote:
Speaking of "Heritage"
Is there any way to  see if anyone had a call before you do?

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 1/8/2017 11:38 AM, Mark Steven Williams wrote:
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