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Re: [CQ-Contest] A Buggles update - Morserunner killed the radio star

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A Buggles update - Morserunner killed the radio star
From: Kostas SV1DPI <sv1dpi@otenet.gr>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2016 12:14:14 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
The guys who make big scores use the following technique: they call CQ in their speed, let's say 30wpm. When one station replies, they write the call and press the PgUp button to increase the cw speed a lot (let's say 50wpm). They give their reply in this hi-speed. After that they reduce their speed to their standard (30wpm) and say TU. The new stations answer the standard speed. This way they gain a lot of time and they can achieve more qsos. I don't like this and I would like to see this to change. I am sure that I had watched a video with a guy doing this but I can not find it now.
...73 de Kostas SV1DPI
  (One of SZ1A-EP6T)

On 2/12/2016 12:45 πμ, Barry wrote:

I don't know about the cheating or uploading any scores. I always play MR in HST mode. CTL-F9 to start. A 10 minute run with fixed parameters. I'm not aware of any way of cheating, but who knows...
Barry W2UP

On 12/1/2016 11:27, kostas sv1dpi wrote:
Hello to all

Morse Runner killed my everyday CQs. I have worked them all so everyday CQ does not offer much to me, except to find new friends. So I prefer to play with Morse Runner sometimes. I hate that Morse Runner allows you to cheat! So I don't upload my scores anymore. I would like a version which does not allow it. But Contesting is something different. I am trying to explain it to my Club when we run together. CQing and having a good rythm helps but we need good strategy also. I have won better ops than me because of my better contest strategy. So I enjoy much more real contests.
By the way I suggest writelog's Contest Super Simulator. It's also 
free and you can emulate so2r and some strategy also... See 
73 Kostas SV1DPI

On 28/11/2016 20:15, Weisz László wrote:
Hi Barry (and all),

First thanks for contacts in the contest.
About Morse Runner: although I am a HST contester too, even a simple 150 Q/h rate causes me much more fun in the real band than a 300 Q/h with Morse Runner.
Of course it is only my opinion.
Did you know that Hungary will be the host of next High Speed Telegraphy World Championship?
It would be great to see you again .
Here is a short presentation:
The official Web page will be launched soon.

73 Lacy HA3NU/HG3R

2016.11.27. 20:42 keltezéssel, Barry írta:
During CQWW this weekend, I was thinking how Morserunner has killed the thrill of contesting for me. With Morserunner, I can run 300-400/hr all day long. There's no sunspot minimum, no K index of 4, etc. Anyone else feel this way?
If you're not familiar with my word play in the title, check this out:

Barry W2UP (@W4AAW this weekend)

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