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Re: [CQ-Contest] Dead zero beat pile ups

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Dead zero beat pile ups
From: Gerry Treas K8GT <k8gt@mi.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 15:32:31 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Like Marty, I only use the cluster/skimmer spots to see the conditions of the band, how many mults and what looks good. Clicking on the spot, I then use the big knob to find the sweet spot to call on..
Since I've been DXing for 55 years and contesting for almost 30 years, I 
learned early on about tuning off zero beat for better odds on working 
the desired station.
73, Gerry, K8GT

On 30-Nov-16 08:06, Martin Durham wrote:
Interestingly I tried this for the first time this weekend with WinTEST. After a 
few hours I turned it off and went back to clicking then tweaking the big knob on 
the front of the radio. Or just tuning the band map and 'finding' the sweet spot. 
The randomized is too rigid. +/- 100hz. Might or might not get it. The P&C'ers 
are not going away. The best we can do is have good ops on the dx end who know to 
listen off the zero beat and good ops on this end who know where to call.

Several times heard well known contest calls on the edge of my passband call 
once and get through. K1DG and his brother...and his brother-in law, K5ZD and a 
few others.

The advantage of a DX-88 killer antenna!!  :)
Hearing ALL angles of the pileup.


On Nov 29, 2016, at 7:38 PM, Steve London <n2icarrl@gmail.com> wrote:

Both N1MM+ and Win-Test have "randomizer" options that will automatically 
prevent you from being zero-beat, but still within +- 100 Hz.

Steve, N2IC

On 11/29/2016 02:54 PM, K9MA wrote:
On 11/29/2016 07:28, Bill via CQ-Contest wrote:
Calling DX stations dead zero beat on their QRG in a pileup is a no
no, yet it continues to happen.  Please call up or down a few hundred
HZ so everyone can hear the DX station respond!
I think a few hundred Hz is too much, unless the band is very
uncrowded.  When the band is busy, somebody is running every 300-400 Hz,
so if you call that far off, you're right on top of the next station.
50-100 Hz either way is usually enough to distinguish the beat note,
without causing too much QRM.


Scott  K9MA

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