Trying to suggest ti re-using an already invented wheel:
How about sending a spot for each QSO with comment QSO: or something alike
that is common.
Minimum effort, maximum result.
Jukka OH6LI
2016-07-11 17:47 GMT+03:00 Martin , LU5DX <>:
> Hi guys,
> I've heard several comments of HQ stations having log syncing problems over
> the weekend during the IARU HF Championship.
> I wonder if a standard Log Coordination Protocol would be a good idea.
> This way all clients would point to just one (high availability) server via
> TCP or HTTP (I don't think it would hurt to use http).
> The Coordinating Log would be just that: a log, with some additional
> features to facilitate such a task.
> Either a tiny portable DB could be used for that purpose (SQLite) or even
> a flat file and some additional syncing software.
> This would reduce traffic between the stations and make it more efficient.
> To eliminate SPOF the coordinating server could have a real time replicas
> in different availability zones. This is easily done in most cloud service
> providers.
> What would be really nice is to come to an agreement about the coordination
> log format so that it wouldn't matter if you were running different logging
> programs during a contest.
> Just an idea.
> 73,
> Martin
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