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Re: [CQ-Contest] Claiming assistance when not actually assisted

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Claiming assistance when not actually assisted
From: David Gilbert <xdavid@cis-broadband.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 13:00:57 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

I don't see anything "unsportsmanlike" here at all. Although I've never claimed assisted when operating unassisted, I see nothing wrong at all with entering any category that I qualify for. I am morally required to enter assisted if I just once look at a bandmap populated from a packet node, even if it doesn't actually result in a QSO, but I can't enter assisted if I don't? That makes zero sense to me.
If I operate low power I can't enter high power?  If I operate only CW 
in ARRL 10m I can't enter Mixed?
I'm not entering to get "better results" ... I spent the same effort and 
exhibited the same skills (or lack thereof in my case) no matter what 
category I enter.  My score (results) is the same.
In my opinion, categories should automatically up-scale anyway.  QRP 
could feed LP and HP.  Single band could feed multiband.  Single mode 
could feed multi-mode.  Unassisted could feed assisted.  Off the top of 
my head I can't think of any reason why not.
Dave   AB7E

On 12/3/2015 9:05 AM, Martin , LU5DX wrote:
I would think, that constitutes a pretty unsportsmanlike behavior.
One should submit his/her log according to the actual entry category. Not
any other possible category to get better results.


Martin LU5DX

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 11:57 AM, Tim Shoppa <tshoppa@gmail.com> wrote:

I would strongly discourage anyone from claiming assistance when not
actually assisted by the official rules. This smells too much of "gaming
category to get a plaque" and could easily result in an unassisted operator
getting a plaque that was actually intended for a truly, by-the-rules,
assisted operator.

I note that in CQWWCW 2013, if the #3 USA unassisted operator had claimed
assistance, he would've been #1 USA assisted. I could come up with many
other such examples, especially in WRTC qualifying years.

I also note that in my first ever RTTY contest (ARRL RTTY RU 2012), I was
unassisted-low but I carelessly sent my log in such a way, that the robot
put me in assisted-low which (because there was no single-op assisted
category) means that my log was put in the MSLP category. I saw this in the
robot's message but didn't pay any attention at the time because it was my
first RTTY contest ever and I knew I wasn't a contender. Just a few months
later I go to a club meeting, and everyone congratulates me on setting a
new record for MDC MSLP (which is how assisted single-ops were categorized
at the time.)

To this day I can still go to the ARRL website and see it says I still hold
that record, a record I do not actually deserve:


Tim N3QE
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