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Re: [CQ-Contest] TO7A Comments, Data and Log Checking

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] TO7A Comments, Data and Log Checking
From: Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w@verizon.net>
Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 22:10:45 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Randy, thanks for the info on the timelines. I know that they have become compressed over time - owing to demands of customers (i.e., us)! I am not privy to the process that you undertook. Have you considered using the closest possible committee member if there is not an initial response to the director's request? Perhaps you do that already. But, if not, doing so might help resolve the issue of email from one address getting caught in a spam folder no man's land.
Again, I am not privy to what happened in this instance other than it 
being stated that an attempt was made to reach out and no response was 
As to breaking the rules, things can happen inadvertently.  Band change 
violations; errors with station numbering; etc.
73 Rich NN3W

On 5/10/2015 9:40 PM, Randy Thompson K5ZD wrote:
It takes 90 days from the end of the contest until the CQWW results are due
at CQ Magazine.  Given that we need almost 60 days to process the logs and
investigate the suspect logs, how much time should be allocated to waiting
for someone to respond to an email about their entry?

If you don't break the rules, you shouldn't have to look for an email.  But,
it is good to have a valid one in your log in case we need to ask a question
about your address or entry category.

There was never a formal appeals process before the rules update last year.
Maybe we still need to do some tuning, but not sure the number of days to
reply to an email is really the issue.

Randy, K5ZD

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Richard F DiDonna NN3W
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:39 PM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] TO7A Comments, Data and Log Checking

I'm not going to second guess what happened in the email chain in
question, but having just done three business trips in 2.5 weeks
including one speaking engagement before a crowd of 1,500 people and then
chairing a three-day conference in Chicago, I can easily see how one
could not see a single email in an email in-box.

73 Rich NN3W

On 5/10/2015 4:23 PM, Jeff Stai wrote:
A five day window that is a random number of weeks or months after a
contest is not a reasonable window. "Random" as in "sometimes log
checking takes more or less time."

If we knew these emails were going out March 6 every year, then maybe.
As it is, if I knew I didn't cheat why would I be looking for this
email during some vague 4-5 week window?

I'm sure most of us have at one time or another been away from email
for more than five days. If you haven't you should try it some time. I
guess I will be adding a couple "in case of emergency" email addresses
to my soapbox from now on.

73 jeff wk6i

On Sunday, May 10, 2015, Jeff Clarke <ku8e@bellsouth.net> wrote:

Note Randy's first email to Dim is dated 3 months after the contest.
So, not having internet access on the way home to UT from FM isn't an
issue. He had 5 days starting March 6th to respond.

Did anyone else notice that Randy didn't even mention anything on the
reflector about the TO7A DQ until his May 7th post? Dim had replied
almost immediately to Randy's earlier post a couple days earlier
about the results being available, when he probably realized he had
been officially DQed.
Plus, Randy sent the email about his possible DQ almost 2 months
before to the SAME email address that Dim used to post his responses
on this reflector.

Dim was given the opportunity to respond to the cheating accusations
but chose not to. If the committee had seen the YouTube video a
couple months ago maybe they would have taken a different view. Dim
appears to be a very accomplished SO2R operator.

Could he have made a mistake in his entry and really meant to submit
it as assisted? He surely could have discussed this with Randy and
could have been reclassified instead of being DQed. He chose not to
make contact.
The rule says if you don't respond to a cheating accusation that the
decision is final. His DQ is almost more due to that fact than if he
really cheated.

Maybe in the future contact information should be required with an
entry in case of discrepancies so contact can be made to discuss them.

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