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To: "4O3A" <4o3a@t-com.me>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
From: "JIM NEIGER" <n6tj@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:38:46 -0800
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
if I was King of The World for one day, WRTC Qualification would be simple.

Any two man team, anywhere, who wishes to compete, simply "contributes" a finite sum (5000 Euros?? Pick a number) to the WRTC host sponsors and they have therefore qualified. This would make the event self sustaining, i.e., pays for itself, and all the mysteries, pressure, nightmares and pains of which contests, small pistols vs big guns, disappear and as Ranko opines - more pleasure for all who truly wish to compete. Highly skilled operators whose wallets may be thinner can perhaps get their country's radio societies to sponsor them??
vy 73

Jim Neiger  N6TJ

-----Original Message----- From: 4O3A
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 10:21 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Hello Chris,

I would like to make comment of rules once more time.

One decision, which disturb all of potential qualifiers is a given
qualification time - years 2015 and 2016.
Reason for this - as you explained to me is to give one year to teams
for their own practice and contesting together?

So, it has some sense, but it looks like clumsy decision and unbalance
between benefits and consequences.
Shorter qualification period will make a lot of troubles to all of us.
Needless to say that 12 contests is not a good measure. It is creating
two very unpleasant consequences:
1. Will favor big guns, as mid range stations and small pistols can not
make 12 top contest in such short time period
2. Will make to qualifiers a lot of pressure and nightmares, instead
pleasure, what should be our common goal?

If you just add year 2017, it won't change anything. Anyone who want to
do it in shorter possible period - can do it, and enjoy the rest of time
in playing with his team mate. Also, it does cost you nothing - nobody
will complain for sure. Simply - you can ask qualifiers and I am sure it
will be consensus.

If you make less qualification contests, less it is - more chances for
mid and small pistols. Isn't it something worth your attention? Also, be
sure that less qualifiers - more cometition in next qualification period
will be generated, and more qualifying surprise can happen. Isn't it
exciting if we could have rules putting big guns in a risk not to
qualify? You want competition - you have a chance to make real one.

Other comments I will not repeat.


On 12/16/2014 6:21 PM, 4O3A wrote:

If it is a true, than organizer missed the essence of WRTC.

I still hope it could be a mistake, or unclear rules. Otherwise, it's senseless and for some reason organizer wants to push all of us to compete as assisted, qualifying for pure unassisted event as WRTC is.
If it's mistake, super. If don't, I would like to hear from Chris 
explanation for such decision?
I really respect effort of DL guys for taking WRTC in Germany. Also I 
fully respect their right to change the rules. But, some decisions are at 
least strange.
Again, I appeal to organizers to reconsider:

1. Number of contests for qualifying to maximum - 8 (eight). It will
   give more chance to simpler stations and will make qualifications
   more attractive. Does it has a sense if we, more or less, already
   know who will be qualified, and it depends only on how large station
   is? I belong to those who are privileged, but I do not like it at all.
2. To count contests in season 2017, giving to us enough of time, as we
   all have family, business and private life.
3. Not to change numbers of teams in EU areas, and to keep it as it was
   before. Needless to make more comments on how it is now in rules.
4. To make visible difference between Unassisted/Assisted, giving 0,9
   to assisted, for example
5. To keep MS scores weightiness same as SOAB, as it was before. With
   factor 0,9 we will push MS contesting by side in next two years. MS
   is much more closer to WRTC principle, than SOAB Assisted. Thanks to
   same weighting factor of SOAB and MS in previous qualification
   period for WRTC in USA, we have had very attractive and intensive MS
   fighting in EU and USA, and some continental records are increased

IMHO all five objections should be considered very seriously

On 12/16/2014 5:01 PM, David Siddall wrote:
LOL. It was "clear" to me until I saw Sinisa's answer. My answer is that, for the stated scenario, assisted gets 1000 points and unassisted gets 714
points.   73,  Dave K3ZJ

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 10:14 AM, shristov <shristov@ptt.rs> wrote:
4O3A <4o3a@t-com.me> wrote:

*Assisted scores are compared against Unassisted scores.
If someone make in CQWW as unassisted - 10 points
Another guy make in same contest as assisted - 14 points
What are final scores for WRTC qualification?
Rules are very clear on this.

Assuming top unassisted score of 10 points,
unassisted guy gets 1000, and assisted guy gets 1400.


Sinisa  YT1NT
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