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Re: [CQ-Contest] Dupes

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Dupes
From: Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc@citlink.net>
Reply-to: k0rc@citlink.net
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:30:21 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
/"logging software removes the dupes" //
Good logging software (and operators) do not remove the dupes. Log checking software "deals with" the dupes. It does''t remove the dupes either.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 12/18/2014 2:38 PM, Steve Lott wrote:
most ops work the dupes because if I callled you, you must not be in my log

I tried to work a few stations this 10 meter contest and they said qso b4
so I qsy'd and they are NOT in my log

logging software removes the dupes
if your using paper logs or have some other reason for not working me a
second time
then you are not in my log !!!

you might want to reconsider and just work who calls you again, unless it
is a string of them and someone has obviously posted your call wrong on the
dx spotting network

or we are hearing your call wrong - change the phonetics


My Ham Radio Friends

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Tom Haavisto <kamham69@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is the problem with sending QSO B4.

Lets assume I have your call wrong in my log - that would be the only
reason to call you a second time.  I then get a QSO B4, but I have NO idea
when I worked you, and since I busted your call/will loose the QSO and
points.  No penalty on you.

If you have my call in your log in error. the roles are reversed.
You loose the QSO and take the penalty.  To add insult to injury, I will
probably miss out on a needed mult.  I can send "NIL", and we can go back
and forth a few times, and this costs us both time during the contest.  I
may/may not try depending on how bad I need the mult.

In the RDX contest, we both get penalized for one side busting the QSO.

If you start getting a string of dupes, ID excessively to get the point
across that it is a busted spot.

Yes - there have been a few times where a needed mult sends QSO B4, and
will simply not work me a second time.  When they busted my call on the
second QSO, they (finally) worked me.  Not sure I see the logic in that,
and I did not go out of my way to have them correct my call and have them
again say "QSO B4"....

Would it not be quicker to simply work the guy a second time?  Only take a
few seconds, and everyone goes away happy.

Just curious...

Tom - VE3CX

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 4:46 AM, Doug Turnbull <turnbull@net1.ie> wrote:
Subject Dupes

      I am afraid that later on in a contest after being spotted that
sometimes I get a slew of people who have worked me previously from the
Western USA calling again.   I do not want dupes in my log and send QSO
only if there is a protest will I work them and then I often find they
dupe.   The error rate in my logs is normally pretty low.    I shall
continue to reject dupes.   My suspicion is that some people want to see
they can work me again.

      Thankfully many are now of the belief that cut numbers cause more
trouble than good.    I would say the same for operators who want to show
off their CW speed at 35 or 40 wpm - this slows everything down and leads
repeats and errors.

      My two cents.   Happy Christmas and excuse the old goat.

                  73 Doug EI2CN

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