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[CQ-Contest] Let's revolt and make 3 sections out of Maritimes.

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Let's revolt and make 3 sections out of Maritimes.
From: Hank Greeb <hgreeb@one.net>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:54:36 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
There are quite a few counties in Texas and other states which are larger geographically than Rhode Island, and probably some of the other "states" in New England.
Cherry County, Nebraska, has 6000 square miles.  Rhode Island has 1200 
square miles. Connecticut has 4000 square miles.
Of course, Cherry County has only 5000 people or so, or less than 1 
person per square mile.
There's "some" rhyme and "some" reason for ARRL sections, but more 
politics, methinks, than anything else.
But, the RAC combines the provinces into Maritimes so where's the beef?  
And, from what I see on RAC.ca, there's no organization in NWT, Yukon, etc.
72/73 de n8xx Hg
QRP >99.44% of the time

On 10/30/2014 9:09 PM, cq-contest-request@contesting.com wrote:
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:14:30 -0400
From: Glenn Wyant <va3dx@sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Move to disband MAR section in Canada (for    

Lets lump together Maine , NH , VT , MASS , Conn and call them the NES ( new 
england section )
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