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Re: [CQ-Contest] ONE radio, two operators??

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ONE radio, two operators??
From: Oliver Dröse <droese@necg.de>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:18:47 +0100
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Why not an Overlay category for "true" M/S like there is for SO Classic? 
Might be a worthwhile idea without needing to change the rules 
themselves, impact on records, a.s.o.
73, Olli - DH8BQA

Contest, DX & radio projects: http://www.dh8bqa.de

Am 26.10.2014 03:29, schrieb Paul Stoetzer:
I do wish there were a category for multiple operators taking shifts
operating a single radio. I have no problem with the M/S category, but it'd
be nice to have a "true" M/S category too.


Paul, N8HM

On Friday, October 24, 2014, <k2qmf@juno.com> wrote:

Charlie K4VUD,

DUMD is in the eyes of the beholder!

Maybe us "second level pistols" enjoy operating M/S.
I'm sorry that you don't see the enjoyment in contesting!
See you on the WARC bands some day!  Don't hold your breath...

Swiss cheese, 73, Sal

On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:57:52 +0700 Charles Harpole <hs0zcw@gmail.com
Tnx KR2Q....  Now I remember why I thot the Multi One category is
dumb.  I
see that it does give the second op something to do in addition to
but really kills off the idea of ONE op and ONE radio to which the
NAME implies.   The rule that I have finally paid attention to
appears to
be a cheap way for second level pistols to APPEAR to compete with
the first
level pistols.  More and more as I reawaken to the contest rules I
understand why the whole things are designed by big pistol ops and
why many
other operators opt out of contesting.  I also refer to rules which
huge Asia equal to EU.

Baloney, 73, Charly

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 10:40 PM, <kr2q@optimum.net <javascript:;>>

Yes, you have read it correctly.  It has been this way for over 3
See my article in CQ from August 1981, where M/S is elaborated.
It was that way even before my article.  This article is a bit
dated, so
up to date information, see the 2 links below.

See: http://www.cqww.com/rules.htm

Also see the Multi-Single FAQ: http://www.cqww.com/rules_faq.htm
Scroll about half way down the above cited page.


de Doug KR2Q

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