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[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018
From: Michael Höding <hoeding@fh-brandenburg.de>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 18:44:14 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Dear Contesters,

please distribute this press release to your local clubs and ham radio magazines
TNX + 73 de Michael, DL6MHW

Germany nominated to host WRTC 2018

On Sunday, October 5, 2014 the World Radio Team Championship (WRTC)
Sanctioning Committee selected Germany as the host nation for the WRTC 2018. This nomination followed an initative of DARC, BCC and RRDXA, initiatied during the Ham Radio fair Friedrichshafen at the end of June 2014. A small team, headed by Christian Janssen, DL1MGB, was set up in order to explore the option to hold
this event in Germany.

Since 1990, WRTC has been held regularly in different locations. For one week,
it brings together some 60 teams from all over the world, who then compete
in the IARU HF Team Championship under field day conditions. The last
WRTC was held in New England/USA. Only a few weeks ago, it ended with
a bronze medal for Germany.

During the next weeks, the team will launch an official organisation to finance
and conduct WRTC2018 in Germany. The team is recruiting volunteers,
in particular in the fields public relations, location management, accomodation and
social events.

Three geographical regions within Germany are currently under evaluation and
one of them will be selected as the venue for WRTC 2018: the area near
Muenster/Westfalen, the area Maerkisches Oderland east of Berlin and the area
around Jessen/Wittenberg.

A web site has been set up to provide further details: http://www.wrtc2018.de. Additionally, a WRTC2018 mailing list for potential participants was established. If you have any addtional questions or wish to join the project team, please send a short
e-mail to contact@wrtc2018.de.
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