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Re: [CQ-Contest] waedc

To: cq-contest@contesting.com, ly5w.sam@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] waedc
From: Brett Graham <vr2bg@harts.org.hk>
Reply-to: vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:20:51 +0000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
LY5W noted:

2 Bands

*3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz*.

According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside
contest-preferred segments. No operation to take place on:

*CW* : 3560-3800; 7040-7200; 14060-14350 kHz
*SSB*: 3650-3700; 7050-7060; 7100-7130; 14100-14125; 14300-14350 kHz.

so if i call CQ on 14061 , 7044, - those QSO will be removed?

or move multiplier - for example.

BTW - 20 and 40m are full sometimes. When I run my LP - there is the best
place to make a QSO.
This rule was started to be enforced in last year's WAG.  Not sure when 
it will be enforced in WAE.
It was not in 2012, when I thought I had no choice but to throw away my 
WAE CW entry from XV since I was really LP (and not running a Thai 200 
watt amplifier) - the only place I could get a run going was >060, so 
the vast majority of the contacts I made did not count.
So, will this rule be enforced this year?  Why have this rule but not 
enforce it previously?  What about those who complied with the rule in 
the past & suffered as a result - or better, what about those who didn't 
comply with the rule & got away with it (like most who claimed an XV 
mult from working me in 2012 WAE CW)?
Which event will be next?  I did IOTA from 9M6 in 2009 & looking back in 
previous discussion here, I see RSGB had by then started to bring it to 
participants' attention that they broke that event's bandplan rule:

Is that rule enforced now in IOTA?

Will other events sponsored by IARU national societies in time adopt - as well as enforce - a bandplan rule?
What about other events, not sponsored by IARU national societies?

And for IARU itself, since it takes two-to-QSO, does the rule in its own event:
"6.3. Where contest-preferred segments are incorporated into regional 
band plans, participants must observe them."
Mean that my operation from KH6 last month had to abide by both the IARU 
bandplan for R3, as well as the one applicable to the stations I 
worked?  Or if a contact made that complied with the R3 bandplan - but 
not the bandplan for Region of the station I worked - count for me, but 
not for him?
Looks like another log destined for the bin.


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