"Much of the discussion about the recent CQWW rule changes have been by casual
ops trying to understand what some of the "pro level" rules mean and their
impact. The CQWW rules will be set within a week and then we go on with
discussion about other minutiae."
Steve, we are dismissed. There are "pro" rules and amateur rules, and to us
amateurs, it's merely minutiae.
You're right, by the way. You'll still here me playing exuberantly (to steal
a phrase from K1ZZ) but my last log has already arrived at CQWW, just like my
last subscription check went to Rich Mosesen a few years back.
73, de Hans, K0HB
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 8:23, Randy Thompson K5ZD
<k5zd@charter.net="mailto:k5zd@charter.net";>> wrote:
Contests have many levels of interest all running on the same course. The guys
at the top are serious, passionate, and always pushing the rules. The more
casual ops are just in it to have fun.
The art for the contest sponsor is to balance the needs of both groups. I.e.,
make rules that define where the boundaries are, but not so complex that it
puts off the casual entrants.
Much of the discussion about the recent CQWW rule changes have been by casual
ops trying to understand what some of the "pro level" rules mean and their
impact. The CQWW rules will be set within a week and then we go on with
discussion about other minutiae.
The spirit of the rules is pretty simple. Work people and have fun. Always try
view the contest rules through that lens first.
Randy K5ZD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> steve.root@culligan4water.com
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 2:05 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] [FCG] CQ WW Rules and SCP
> We are inexorably moving closer to the day when this becomes more
> trouble than it's worth. Some of the ideas recently presented to "fix"
> contesting are fairly dramatic. Why in the world would 99% of the
> participants agree to to all that trouble? Face it, in any given contest
> how many of us are really competing anyway? 15, 20 guys? We're
> participating and that's about it. Yes, you can "compete" against your
> friends or against yourself but you don't have to follow any body's rules
> to do that. I can see the day soon when we ignore the "rules", stop
> reporting scores, and stop sending in logs. Get on and enjoy the
> activity, work a bunch of people, and then when you're done shut it off
> and walk away. And if some contest sponsor wants to sift through an SDR
> recording of a major contest and try to dredge my signal out of the muck
> to decide whether I sent an extra dit in a guys call, I won't be very
> worried about it.
> 73 Steve K0SR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Brakob [mailto:kzerohb@gmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 04:15 PM
> To: 'Jack Haverty.'
> Cc: 'Steve Sacco NN4X', cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] [FCG] CQ WW Rules and SCP
> Hold it! TIME OUT!Third party referees in the cloud? UN observers in blue
> construction hard hats sent to selected toy radio stations to monitor for
> weapons of mass obstruction? Massive broadband receivers in the heavens
> recording the movement of every whisper of RF between Dc and daylight?
> Have we come to that?Let's cut down through all the inflated egotistical
> importance of this hobby pastime and examine what we're really doing on
> those long radio weekends.It really is no more complicated (nor
> important) than this.A bunch of boys and girls turn on their amateur
> radio toys and try to talk to all of each other (or at least most of each
> other) before they fall asleep, or the GMT clock strikes midnight. They
> keep a record as they go, and then send that record in to be compared
> with all the other boys and girls records. He/she with the most clicks
> wins.How about we just simplify the rules to that, and leave all the big-
> brother-in-the-cloud paranoia tasking to the NSA.73, es GL in the
> Contest,de Hans, K0HB/4ID
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