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Re: [CQ-Contest] Flashback - Is It Time?

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Flashback - Is It Time?
From: Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc@citlink.net>
Reply-to: k0rc@citlink.net
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 13:10:52 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I have to agree with Glenn's assessment. I also will never try to operate a full 48-hour contest. There is no motivation to risk my health or family. Maybe if the reward was $100,000 instead of a piece of lumber with my name on it, I might take a different view. But that's not going to happen.
So what does that leave me? Nothing at the moment. There are no 'less 
hour' categories where I can compare my effort with others. If I'm not 
'big enough' to operate in CQWW or ARRL DX, then I should just go away? 
Wow! What a great way to increase participation in those events. (Not!)
I also agree the 'continuous 24-hours' concept just creates a mini iron 
man event. I prefer the idea that 'you've got a 48-hour window of 
opportunity to do your best and have fun" this weekend. Add some 
flexibility to the operating time to allow a time/health restrained 
person to still have some fun.
Regarding gathering statistics from 3830 after the fact, that might show 
some trends but I don't think it would show an accurate picture. These 
stats have already eliminated any basic 'motivator factor' where the 
fellows who operated for 16 or 20 hours might have been inspired to 
shoot for another 4 to 8 hours if there were some recognition of their 
Personally, I have found this type of motivator when I used the 
Scoreboard. Mentally I setup a race with the fellows 'in my league' and 
then try to move from 18th position into 17th position. I believe a 
24-hour category would create this type of motivation factor for those 
who have no chance (or desire) of going the full 48 hours.
To me, this discussion is illustrating the differences in motivations. 
(That's why I asked the question last week.) It seems vocal opposition 
is being driven by the guy who pulls up into the gas station with his 
big 4x4 and twin-engine 1,500 hp cigar boat while the rest of us are 
there fueling our 16 foot bass boat for an afternoon of relaxation and 
fishing. I see a stark contrast between these two individuals and their 
opinion of what constitutes competition and fun. However, they both use 
the same lake.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 4/5/2013 5:46 AM, Glenn Wyant wrote:
I sure hope the contest sponsers do not do this...

I can no longer do 48 hours in a test , it is not
going to happen ...

The idea of a 24 hour seems interesting , until you
realize it is 24 straight. I " would  do  24 hours but
broken into 4 or 5 periods.

If you want me to participate 24 straight thru the night ,
well it wont happen ,  I  will just make qsos casually
log them, and that will be it.

No sense sending in a score..

Glenn VA3DX

Finding the first 24 hours of operation would take some tweaking of the
computer software, but this is essentially what the WPX Contest does to
calculate the 36 hours of permitted operating time. Any QSOs after 36 hours
are not counted for score.

Randy, K5ZD
I was suggesting a simple 24-out-of-48 definition of contest period,
where you could work longer but only the first 24 hours would count.
I.E., like ARRL SS and others.

/Jack de K3FIV
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