----- Originalna poruka -----
PoĊĦiljalac: Charles Harpole <hs0zcw@gmail.com>
> I have a 80% successful way of copying one signal out of several
> that are zero beat. It works on CW or ssb.
> With the BandWidth at 500 for CW and 2.10 for ssb, I can rotate the
> BandPass Tuning knob thru its productive range and amazingly one
> otherwisezero beat signal will pop up out of the others.
Have you tried to estimate the difference in frequency from the station
that popped-up, and the others?
The easiest way to reliably estimate relative frequencies
is to make an audio recording, and analyze it later.
Another thing, what pitch (beat frequency) was used?
Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA
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