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Re: [CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted

To: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted
From: Stan Stockton <wa5rtg@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 11:41:36 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
There isn't anything "hard" about any of this. There are, however, considerations regarding the number of categories in some contests, especially ARRL where in some cases awards are made for eighty some odd sections and every DXCC country that might have a participant. Six of the nine categories you mentioned - all but the multi op catogories may also have single band possibilities. Multiply 6 x 6 and add three for total of 39 categories. Mutliply that times 83 and you get 3237 potential awards just for USA and Canada alone, and many may be issued to the only station that entered in a particular category from a particular section who only made a few contacts.
This doesn't have a lot to fo with the discussion but something the  
sponsors have to consider.  Take a single band, two mode contest like  
the 10m contest and add a factor of 3 for CW, Phone, and Mixed mode  
options for the appropriate power and operator categories and then add  
in the Mexican States and see what you get.
There are pros and cons to the idea of having as many possible first  
place awards as there might be participants in a given event.
Stan, K5GO

Sent from Stan's IPhone

On Jan 29, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Joe <nss@mwt.net> wrote:

It should be easy - MM, M2, MS, SOHP, SOHP(A), SOLP, SOLP(A), QRP, QRP(A) -
What the heck is so hard about that?  Anyone?


The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 1/28/2013 8:29 PM, Edward Sawyer wrote:
If contest committees are spending time to check on the use of assisted in the non-assisted class, then the logical conclusion is that it would give the cheater an advantage. Otherwise why bother. So, it is clear that it has an effect on the outcome. And it has had an effect on the outcome.in at least one recent CQWW, the HP(A) category outscored the HP category. I am
quite sure it wasn't the first time.

So why is this topic so suddenly being floated by some very familiar names
in the contest circles?  Fess up folks.

Both categories are big and popular in all power categories. Why is there a
need to change it?

I completely agree with an early part of this thread that every contest should have an assisted category and to not force assisted operators into the Multi-Single category just for using packet or skimmer. That is as
unfair as forcing single ops to compete with operators with global

It should be easy - MM, M2, MS, SOHP, SOHP(A), SOLP, SOLP(A), QRP, QRP(A) -
What the heck is so hard about that?  Anyone?

Ed  N1UR

CQ-Contest mailing list

CQ-Contest mailing list
There isn't anything hard about any of this.  There are considerations  
regarding the number of categories in some contests, perhaps  
especially ARRL where awards are made for eighty some odd sections and  
every DXCC country that might have a participant.  Six of the nine  
categories you mentioned - all but the multi op catogiries also have  
single band possibilities. Multiply 6 x 6 and add three for total of  
39 categories.  Mutliply that times 83 and you get
Sent from Stan's IPhone

On Jan 29, 2013, at 8:36 AM, Joe <nss@mwt.net> wrote:

It should be easy - MM, M2, MS, SOHP, SOHP(A), SOLP, SOLP(A), QRP, QRP(A) -
What the heck is so hard about that?  Anyone?


The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme
On 1/28/2013 8:29 PM, Edward Sawyer wrote:
If contest committees are spending time to check on the use of assisted in the non-assisted class, then the logical conclusion is that it would give the cheater an advantage. Otherwise why bother. So, it is clear that it has an effect on the outcome. And it has had an effect on the outcome.in at least one recent CQWW, the HP(A) category outscored the HP category. I am
quite sure it wasn't the first time.

So why is this topic so suddenly being floated by some very familiar names
in the contest circles?  Fess up folks.

Both categories are big and popular in all power categories. Why is there a
need to change it?

I completely agree with an early part of this thread that every contest should have an assisted category and to not force assisted operators into the Multi-Single category just for using packet or skimmer. That is as
unfair as forcing single ops to compete with operators with global

It should be easy - MM, M2, MS, SOHP, SOHP(A), SOLP, SOLP(A), QRP, QRP(A) -
What the heck is so hard about that?  Anyone?

Ed  N1UR

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