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[CQ-Contest] Silent Key Memorial

To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Silent Key Memorial
From: "HA0HW Laci" <ha0hw@pannondxc.hu>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 05:09:51 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

To the memory of our radioamateur friends

* Silent Key Memorial *

We are inviting the radioamateurs of the World for a friendly HF contest.

We would like to worthy remember that friends, whos call sign is in silence for ever.
Or not?

We hope, if you help, run on this contest and pass on this rules to your friends, once again resounds this long ago hearded callsigns



Date and time: Every year on 1th. of November (first on 1. November 2012.) between 06.00 -09.00 UTC.
Mode: only CW

Frequencys: 3510-3560 kHz, 7010-7040 kHz

Calling: CQ SKM

Riports: RST + ITU zone (579 28) or RST + call of your ex-friend, you like to remember on this contest; (599 HA6NA, 599 K8DD)
 a.. the participant himself or herself can choice the ex friend's call 
sign after RST, but in one year they use only the same callsign,
 b.. the participants are choice RST+ITU zone also, but they must use only 
it during that year contest
Categorys: Single operator all bands LP (max 150 watts out), HP (max 1.5 kW 
Multi operator HP (max 1.5 kW out)

Points: self ITU zone 1 point, self continent 3 points, other continents 5 points, memorial stations one more point
Multipliers: Sum of worked ITU zones + worked "Silent key" callsigns per 
bands. More stations is may choice the same "Silent key" callsign, but it is 
count only one multiplier.
Final result: Points for valid QSO's multiplied by number of multipliers.

Awards: For 1-3. place souvenirs, every participants e-diplom.

Log: only in Cabrillo form (date, time (UTC), frequency, worked callsign, send -received riports)
Every contest log program is usable, (UCX-log, N1MM, WinTest) which is run 
the IARU HF World Championship. The points and multipliers are the same, the 
"Silent key" callsigns counted as HQ stations
We can receiving only electronic logs.

Address: silentkeyc@gmail.com

Deadline of log sending: 1st. of December.

73/44 de Laci - HA0HW
DXCC HR Nr. 1 (341)

HA-FF coordinator

member of QSL Manager's Society

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