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[CQ-Contest] Texas QSO Party -- Putting on the Whole Enchilada

To: CQ Contesting Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Texas QSO Party -- Putting on the Whole Enchilada
From: Chuck-NO5W <no5w@consolidated.net>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 18:26:20 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
You've put some fish in the fridge from this past weekend's running of 
the salmon and you're contemplating your strategy for capturing some 
vino from a fine California vineyard in a couple of weeks. In the 
meantime you can sharpen your county chasing skills in the Texas QSO 
Party this weekend, September 26-27.

This year we're pleased to announce that Texas mobiles and fixed 
stations will be serving up the whole enchilada. That's right, its a 
virtual shoe-in  that all 254 counties will be on the air. Right now 
we've got firm announcements for 251 of the 254 and the remaining three 
are either near a metro area or near existing mobile routes that can be 
tweaked. Right now we've got 20 mobiles scheduled to see Miles and Miles 
of Texas with another five waiting in the wings to file a route plan. 
You can see the existing route plans and county coverage here 

So folks here at TxQP Headquarters are giving high fives all around in 
anticipation of being able to offer you something we haven't offered in 
several years and that's the challenge to work all 254 Texas counties in 
a single weekend. Now that awesome feat has only been accomplished once 
and that was more than two sunspot cycles ago (26 years to be exact) 
when Jim (OJ) White K4OJ (SK) did it. It won't be easy and you'll need 
to be agile with the frequency and mode and spend some time in the chair 
cause in order to make their appointed rounds some of those mobiles will 
only be in a county for 10-15 minutes. And to test your hearing we'll 
have a QRP expedition to Culberson County again this year backpacking 
into a campsite at the highest point in Texas.

    Session 1: 0900-2100 CDT Saturday September 26 (1400 UTC 9/26 - 0200 
UTC 9/27)
    Session 2: 0900-1500 CDT Sunday September 27 (1400 UTC 9/27- 2000 
UTC 9/27)

Exchange: Signal report + QTH

Additional Rules: See the TxQP website <http://www.txqp.net>

Who Will Be Where: See the route plans and county coverage page 

See you in the TxQP this weekend,

TxQP Coordinator
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