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Re: [CQ-Contest] Do all contest participants need to follow the rules?

To: James Duffey <JamesDuffey@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Do all contest participants need to follow the rules?
From: Iain MacDonnell - N6ML <ar@dseven.org>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 12:22:55 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
James Duffey wrote:
> Ed - As part of the comments on the K1TTT spotting report, you wrote  
> (in part):
> "Self Spotters don't "cheat" unless they enter the contest by  
> submitting a log."
> Does this imply that the only participants in a contest that have to  
> follow the rules are those who submit logs? It is clear that  
> submitting a log is the only way rule violators can be sanctioned by  
> the sponsors, but if those operators not following the rules gives  
> those that do submit logs an advantage, is it still OK to say that you  
> need to follow the rules only if you intend to submit a log?  
> Obviously, this applies to several areas of the rules, not just self  
> spotting. - Duffey

Not quite sure I follow ... how could someone not submitting a log
unfairly assist someone who does submit a log, without the latter
violating the rules?

Self-spotters don't give any individual (other than themselves) an
unfair advantage... do they?

     ~Iain / N6ML

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