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[CQ-Contest] East coast contest-winning QTH for sale (early notice)

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>, frc <frc@gofrc.org>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] East coast contest-winning QTH for sale (early notice)
From: Barry <w2up3@verizon.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 13:49:54 +0000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
We plan to relocate in early summer 2009.  It would be great to sell 
everything to a ham, rather than dismantling the station and tower.  
Looking to sell in about a year, or sell earlier with rental agreement 
until that time. 

QTH is located in upscale Phila suburb, in historic Bucks Co., PA, 4 
miles miles from where George Washington crossed the Delaware, in the 
heart of FRC-land.  It's a 35 minute drive to center-city Phila, 20 
minutes to Princeton, and one hour by commuter train to NYC-Penn 
Station.  Location is about 50 miles from the Atlantic Ocean as the RF 
flies, and 300 ft ASL with a gentle downward slope in all directions.

House, built in 1990, is about 4200 sq ft, 4 BR, 2 1/2 bath, 3 car 
garage, on 6 1/2 acres.  Custom stone in-ground pool.  Dedicated 400 sq 
ft shack in basement with ample electrical outlets including 2 - 240VAC 
lines.  400A electrical service.

Current station is an IC7800 and ACOM2000A to a single 80 ft Rohn 45 
tower, Phillystran guys (cables underground in 100 ft run of 4 inch PVC 
pipe) with F12 C31XR (on TIC Ring) and Magnum 240N (T2X rotator) and 
wires on the low bands.  600 ft Bev to EU, all on my property, and 
rotatable loop for low band receive.  Tower is legal with building 
permit and plenty of room for more, if you so desire.  No HOA. 

I've won First Place USA SOA in CQWW CW twice and First Place W/VE SOA 
twice in ARRL DX CW in the last 5 years from here.

Current shack and antennas in pic on qrz.com.  Nice birdseye view of 
property (2 year old pic with more antennas than currently on tower) on 
zillow.com can be seen at http://tinyurl.com/4ox9bg* *then click on "see 
home info" and drag the picture to the right.

Serious inquiries only, please.  Will be at Dayton in the contesting 
suite Fri and Sat PM, if you want to discuss.

Barry W2UP


Barry Kutner, W2UP             Newtown, PA   

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