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Re: [CQ-Contest] A call to action

To: Paul Young <youngp@hp.com>, cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] A call to action
From: Ken Alexander <k.alexander@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 13:26:27 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
--- Paul Young <youngp@hp.com> wrote:

> This may not be the best forum for this discussion -
> I fully expect
> to see posts nit-picking my e-mail or using it as an
> excuse to blast
> packet or to propose changes to contest rules. 
> That's fine, I have
> sharp filters.

I promise not to nit pick, blast packet or propose
rule changes!

My first impression is that more of what we read about
contesting in magazines like CQ and QST should be
geared towards beginners, to give them an idea of the
fun to be had and how to get started, and see if that
sparks the competitive spirit in some of the new hams.

I guess that would also mean creating a new contesting
column in QST.  My short memory tells me that they did
have one at one time, didn't they?

Starting at the beginning with contesting would keep
the columnists busy for a long time.

There should be a lot more emphasis on how to contest
with regular equipment and antennas.  I've had quite
enough of articles on how hams with unlimited funds
and acreages put together super stations.  Spending
more on towers, coax and connectors than I do on a new
car isn't reality.  

The best things I ever did to improve my contesting
were to upgrade the filters in my transceiver and
start using contest logging software.  Those kinds of
recommendations are a lot more realistic for a new

Contesting.com looks to me to be an underutilized
resource for beginning contesters.  I don't see
anything for beginners there.  They could use some
beginners' articles.  And how about a mailing list for
beginners, where they can get some online mentoring
from more experienced contesters?



Ken Alexander, VE3HLS
CQ-Contest mailing list

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