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Re: [CQ-Contest] Russian DX contest

To: "Guy Molinari" <guy_molinari@hotmail.com>,<cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Russian DX contest
From: "Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc@r66.ru>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:06:22 +0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Guy and all,
Below is some statistics of W7RN SOAB CW  in RDXC last year. I think you can
do better then that especially working more Russian stations on 20 and 40m
Sure this contest could be more interesting for NA if there were more
participants from the USA and Canada. Still it is a lot more fun for you in
the US then ARRL from here. I only managed 500 QSO in 48 hours whith really
huge setup (Stacks from 40 and up, 3el full size on 80 and bevereges 320m
long). Unlike ARRL,  you are allowed to work everybody in RDXC including
your own country.
BTW W7RN won 03 ZONE single operator OVERALL score.

                 1.8           3.5           7           14           21
28          Total
  Station       time/CW+SSB  time/CW+SSB  time/CW+SSB  time/CW+SSB
time/CW+SSB  time/CW+SSB  time/CW+SSB
W7RN        0:41/12+0    1:50/58+0    7:18/184+0    6:22/245+0   0:29/12+0
0:23/4+0    17:03/515+0

Station             1.8              3.5               7.0               14
21            28
W7RN         0/0/1/1/8        0/9/9/2/33        1/23/74/10/63
27/23/104/10/53   0/0/8/0/2       0/0/2/0/1

Legend :
Example for World Stations: 73/88/99/11/56
73 QSO x 10 points EU Russia
88 QSO x 10 points AS Russia
99 QSO x 5 points
11 QSO x 3 points
56 QSO x 2 points

73, Igor UA9CDC

> At 12:06 AM 2/21/2007, Guy Molinari wrote:
> Hi all,
>      I'm thinking about trying the Russian DX contest this year.  How
> is the activity level?   Rates?  I can't say I remember hearing what
> the bands are like during this one.   I found the web site really
> helpful but I wanted to hear the scoop from this group.
> 73 - Guy, N7ZG

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