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Re: [CQ-Contest] Serial numbers vs. power

To: Yuri VE3DZ <ve3dz@rigexpert.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Serial numbers vs. power
From: Zack Widup <w9sz@prairienet.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 17:26:17 -0600 (CST)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Yuri VE3DZ wrote:

> It happens every year. Usually I end up with more than a hundred US guys in
> a LOG. Imagine - together with dupes you lose a good hour (or even more) of
> your operating time!

And it's a sure thing that if you delete them from your log, 90% will be 
sending you QSL cards and wanting one in return.  ;-)

Zack W9SZ

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