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[CQ-Contest] Fwd: [CTDXCC] The Texas QSO Party 2006 - Miles andMiles of

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fwd: [CTDXCC] The Texas QSO Party 2006 - Miles andMiles of Texas
From: Scott Pederson <spederson@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 22:13:14 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Howdy all,

Only 30 days until the 2006 Texas QSO Party!!!  254 counties, no waiting!



Scott - KI5DR

"H. O. Townsend - K5CX" <k5cx@arrl.net> wrote: From: "H. O. Townsend - K5CX" 
To: "NARS The Club" <NARS@mailman.qth.net>,
 "TDXS" <tdxs-list@moonbounce.n5iq.org>, "CTDXCC" <ctdxcc@kkn.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:00:00 -0500
Subject: [CTDXCC] The Texas QSO Party 2006 - Miles and Miles of Texas

 Miles and Miles of Texas is the theme of this years Texas QSO Party. Chuck 
NO5W thanks for reminding us of the brilliance of Bob Wills and the Texas 
Playboys, and of more recent times Ray Benson and Asleep at The Wheel for 
keeping the flame alive musically.

This years event is scheduled for September 23rd and 24th. Please see the 
September issue of QST, page 95 for details. You can also review all of the 
details at the Texas QSO Party website: http://www.txqp.org

Plaque sponsorships are also available. Please see
http://www.txqp.org/award.htm and http://www.txqp.org/awdsponsor.htm for 
details. A number of clubs and individuals have already purchased plaques for 
2006. However, there are a number of sponsorships still available.

Next if you plan to operate portable or mobile, please send your routes to: 
tqproutes@txqp.org Remember our objective is to put as many counties on the air 
during the event period as well as having more fun than you can imagine.

Bill Buoy N5BIA our Web Master will post your route for others to use in
their route planning.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the 2005
entrants, and the great job they did to keep the Texas QSO Party on the air in 
light of the two major hurricanes (Katrina and Rita) last year. The total 
number of entrants was half the number of more recent years, but the spirit was 
still there!

Finally, thanks in advance to the Texas QSO Party committee: Walter Hock KK5LO 
-Rules; Joe Sokolowski KD5KR -Finance; Chuck Sanders NO5W -Scoring; Norm Covey 
K5OS -Publicity, and Bill Buoy N5BIA -WebMaster.

Good luck everyone.
See you on the air!

H. O. Townsend - K5CX
Coordinator, TQP

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