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[CQ-Contest] Thursday and Friday NCCC Practice

To: nccc@contesting.com, cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Thursday and Friday NCCC Practice
From: Ken Keeler <kenkeeler@jazznut.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 15:57:28 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
NCCC THURSDAY  NIGHT MADNESS continues this week, on both Thursday and 
Friday nights
August 3 & 4 local dates in NA, Aug. 4,5  Zulu

NAQP CW is this coming Saturday.  It's time to get configured and practiced 
up for NAQP  rules.

  --30 mins   0230- 0300Z  (all NCCC practice sessions will be the same 
LOCAL time, year round, UFN)
-- Start 0230Z (1930 PT, 2030 MT, 2130 CT 2230 ET)

-- Normal North American QSO Party rules  (no dupes on same band):  CW, 100 
watts MAX, QSOs and mults on all bands, 160-10m.....

see http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php

--  Suggested freq.: 1815, and band edges plus 35-40 Khz.   (3535, 
Practice MOVING stations to the 'dead' bands for mults!

-- Report scores near 3830 LSB after the practice,  at 0300Z (8 PM PDT) on 
the weekly NCCC
contest net.  Real-time score collecting, bragging, excuses, antenna checks,
advice...or report score/comments on 3830 reflector (don't know if Bruce 
will set this up, as he does for NS Ladder)

Next week,  back to NS rules, 20 & 40m only

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