I've seen a couple of odd statements about the "Get On The Air" stations in
some of the Field Day reports on the 3830 reflector. Observing some of the
local clubs, I know there's a lot of misunderstanding about what that station
is supposed to be used for. Here's what the ARRL package says about it:
Q. What is the GOTA station?
A. It is an opportunity for Novice, Technician, Technician Plus
licensees, other generally inactive licensees, and non-licensed
persons to experience first-hand the fun of amateur radio by
allowing them to GET ON THE AIR.
A couple of guidelines to keep in mind when allowing persons to operate the
GOTA station:
1) Any licensee who has never made HF contacts would be
considered inactive.
2) Someone who has made no QSOs in the last two years would be considered
3) A person who operated the GOTA station as a generally inactive licensee last
year would not be eligible to operate the GOTA station in the following Field
-------------------end of ARRL quotes
Yeah, I know it's not a big deal and FD isn't supposed to be a contest, but we
do keep score...
-Bruce AA5B
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