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Re: [CQ-Contest] OT (A bit) Links to 7J4AAL's 5L 80M Yagi

To: "Tom Hammond" <n0ss@earthlink.net>, <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] OT (A bit) Links to 7J4AAL's 5L 80M Yagi
From: "Jeff Maass" <jmaass@columbus.rr.com>
Reply-to: jmaass@columbus.rr.com
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 09:58:20 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Tom Hammond
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:36 AM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] OT (A bit) Links to 7J4AAL's 5L 80M Yagi
> A year or so ago, several links to pics and specs of 7J4AAL's 5L 80M 
> Yagi were available. Now, virtually of them are no longer available. 
> I have one pic which I managed to archive, but would like to find 
> more info regarding this monster yagi.
> I've found one link at
>     http://www.kkn.net/archives/html/ctdxcc/2003-11/msg00067.html
> but it's password protected and, of course, I don't have a password 
> so cannot access it.
> We've been discussing BIG antennas at our local radio club and I 
> wanted to show them something REALLY BIG.
> Does anyone know of known-good links to this antenna?
>   - The link at http://www.netaro.net/~ja4xgc/75m/monster%20english.htm
>     DOES have a few pics, but not those which were available a while back.
>   - The link at 
> <http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~mak-oxv/engtop.htm>http://www.nn.iij4u.or.jp/~mak-ox
> v/engtop.htm appears to no longer be active. I think this was the one I was 
> looking for, as it had quite a bit of info on the antenna and its engineering 
> specs.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Tom   N0SS

G'day Tom:

Did you try Googling for it?

On just the search term "7J4AAL", I selected "Images" from the
top of the resulting Google page, and found several images
of that antenna and his others, including a couple of images
of his QSL card. Here are a few:






73,  Jeff  K8ND

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