It's less than two days to the 2004 Ohio QSO Party - this Saturday, August
28, from 1600z to 0400z August 29 (noon to midnight EDT).
Full rules, information, operating aids, etc., are at the OQP web site,
_http://www.oqp.us_ (
Exchange serial number and QTH (OH county, or for others
80 - 10 meters, multipliers by mode. (88 counties x 2 = 176 possible mults
from outside OH).
A lot of the fun in any state QSO Party involves chasing the "clean sweep"
of counties. A state map showing the counties is a big help, to see the jigsaw
puzzle pieces fall into place as you work the counties, and to anticipate
the mobiles' routes. An excellent source for such maps is:
This has county maps for all 50 states; just click on Ohio for an OQP map.
We will have a great crew of mobiles/rovers covering the entire state. We
expect all 88 counties to be on the air. We hope you'll be there to work them
on Saturday!
Jim K8MR
OQP Chairman
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