I was naturally drawn to contesting in that I am not much of a rag chewer. I
always enjoyed the fast paced, "exchange reports and move on" type of operating
more than getting into long QSOs. That is my personality type. I'm not much of
a big talker in person either!
I started with a Kenwood TS-870 barefoot and an R-7 vertical and practiced
learning how to contest. I would read about upcoming contests, find out what
the report was and then get on the air during the contest.
What really got me going to a higher level was being invited to contest at a
"big gun" station (thank you Dan, KL7Y, R.I.P.). Suddenly I was there in the
middle of the multi/multi action with very experienced operators. It was
awesome! I learned a great deal about contesting from that experience, and was
later pleased to be invited back again.
Corliss - AL1G
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